Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Amount: | |
To pay: | NEED_INIT |
Check your phone number
Confirm it's you who wants to log into the account
Check your phone number
You did not take the call
Repeat the call or select another confirmation method
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Order has been paid
Amount: |
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Payment rejected
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Error executing query
An error occurred while completing the payment request. Please try again later
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Error executing query
An error occurred while completing the payment request.
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Error in determining сommission
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Error executing query
Error of receipt sending!
Password has been sent
Additional checking
A one-time password has been sent to you at the following contacts
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Registration is successful
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Additional checking
You have been sent an SMS from a bank with a verification code. If you do not receive an SMS - please contact your bank for verification code (UAH 0 blocking amount)
Didn’t the code come?
Please check the comment for the latest transaction in your online banking or contact the bank's customer support.
Additional verification required
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Error executing query
The payment status could not be determined. Please contact portmone.com support.
To pay: |
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
Error executing query
An error occurred while executing the card data retrieval request. Repeat one more time.
Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
It's done! Payment has been forwarded to mobile banking
After payment, we will send a receipt to the specified email:
Amount: |
Choose another payment method
Scan the QR to make a payment
Intermediary company details::
Important: please do not change the purpose and other payment details within the app.